Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Snowboarding is not something I am talented at. I’ve only gone twice as of today. The first time was on a mountain in Utah. I went with my husband and two friends, all of which are experienced. By the time we got there it was snowing pretty hard, but it wasn’t the storm that bothered me the most about this particular trip. What bothered me was that there was no bunny slope for me to learn on. It was an all or nothing sort of day, and I immediately regretted tagging along. Over the next couple hours I managed to make it all the way down the slope maybe 4 times with only 1 major fall, as in completely head over heels. It was then that I was thankful for the fluffy, fresh fallen snow.

My second trip was at an indoor place in Germany. It was so crowded we just sat there in the ice for about an hour unable to really move. I have never seen so many skiers in all my life. Most of them were just standing there talking, taking up space for the hell of it. The fake snow was solid ice in some patches making a fall pretty painful. Once you got to the bottom of the 30 second slope, there was easily a 15 minute line to catch a long ride back to the top. We spent more time waiting in line and waiting for the crowd to move than we did snowboarding.

So here I am, now looking forward to our next trip which will be Valentine’s Day weekend. I can’t wait to be on an actual mountain again after our last experience. I still pretty much suck at snowboarding, it’s like my feet just don’t get it. I honestly don’t mind falling ever few seconds because it’s something my husband and I can laugh at together. I remember I was so nervous at first that I didn’t even want to go. My husband had to push me out of the house, telling me how I can’t learn if I don’t try. In the end, I’m glad I did go and try something new, and I’m glad that it’s something that I can now share with my husband.

This was originally posted as a comment under Welcome: Brooke CotyFebruary 8, 2014 at 9:38 AM

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